Introducing DirectAdmin: Comprehensive Updates to Hosting Control Panels and Pricing

We are excited to share that Namhost is transitioning from cPanel to DirectAdmin as our primary hosting control panel. This change comes with a comprehensive update to our hosting pricing structure, including adjustments to existing cPanel and WHM license packages. We invite you to read this article for a detailed explanation of all the updates.

Why DirectAdmin?

Namhost has been offering cPanel as our primary control panel for years. However, the constant changes in their pricing structure have made it challenging to provide long-term stable pricing for our clients.

For instance, cPanel increased their prices by nearly 10% in January 2024, marking the fifth consecutive year of price adjustments. While Namhost has absorbed most of these increases so far, we can no longer do so indefinitely as a business.

To address this, we conducted extensive research on cPanel alternatives, testing numerous control panels over the course of a year. DirectAdmin emerged as the clear winner due to its several key benefits, including:

  • Lower licensing costs
  • Lightweight performance
  • Simpler user interface
  • Reduced server resource consumption, enhancing stability and uptime
  • Robust backup and restore functionalities
  • Greater customization options
  • Less frequent targeting by hackers
  • Flexible licensing options
  • Efficient migration tools

Overall, DirectAdmin is a cost-effective and versatile choice for web hosting, offering significant advantages over cPanel.

Existing cPanel Customers

Although DirectAdmin has replaced cPanel on our website as the default control panel, most of our customers still use cPanel hosting. We encourage these clients to allow us to seamlessly migrate their hosting to a DirectAdmin option. The main benefits of migrating from cPanel to DirectAdmin include:

  1. As per our updated pricing schedule, DirectAdmin packages will be more affordable than cPanel.
  2. DirectAdmin packages will receive increased resources (more disk space, bandwidth, etc.).
  3. DirectAdmin packages are expected to have more stable pricing in the future.

Start Migration Process

DirectAdmin Upgraded Resources

To offset any pricing adjustments and because DirectAdmin consumes fewer server resources, we have upgraded the resources of DirectAdmin shared and reseller hosting packages. The table below outlines the differences between the current package resources and the new DirectAdmin package resources:

Shared Hosting

Old/Current Packages DirectAdmin Packages
Disk Space Bandwidth Mailboxes Disk Space Bandwidth Mailboxes
Lite 850 MB 25 GB 25 1 GB 30 GB 30
Advanced 3 GB 50 GB 50 4 GB 60 GB 60
Premium 20 GB 200 GB unltd. 25 GB 250 GB unltd.

Reseller Hosting

Old/Current Packages DirectAdmin Packages
Disk Space Bandwidth Disk Space Bandwidth
Lite 15 GB 100 GB 18 GB 150 GB
Advanced 25 GB 350 GB 35 GB 450 GB
Premium 50 GB 750 GB 55 GB 850 GB

How to Migrate to DirectAdmin?

We've developed a simplified process to migrate all customers to DirectAdmin. This process includes the customer opting in for the migration, an initial review of the hosting account by Namhost technical staff, scheduling the migration, performing the migration, and a final data integrity testing step.

To opt in for migrating your hosting account from cPanel to DirectAdmin, please click the button below:

Start Migration Process

New Hosting Prices

Along with adding DirectAdmin as our primary control panel, we have had to adjust our prices across the board to continue providing our customers with the highest quality service.

To download our latest pricing schedule, please click here.

New Prices Effective Date

We have updated our website's pricing and packages according to the new pricing schedule. Starting October 1, 2024, the prices for existing cPanel, Plesk, and DirectAdmin hosting accounts will be adjusted. Consequently, all hosting renewal invoices created on or after October 1, 2024, will reflect the new prices. However, any new hosting orders placed from today onwards will already include the updated prices. This allows our clients ample opportunity to switch and enjoy the lower DirectAdmin prices.

In Summary

DirectAdmin has replaced cPanel as Namhost's preferred and primary hosting control panel. We've increased the resources for DirectAdmin packages to offset any price adjustments and to encourage existing customers to migrate from cPanel. You can opt-in for migration by clicking here.

All hosting prices have been updated and are now in effect. However, existing customers will see their renewal invoices reflect the updated pricing starting from October 1, 2024.

We understand that price adjustments can be challenging, and we assure all customers that this decision was made after careful consideration to maintain the quality and security of our services.

Lastly, we want to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support and trust. The web hosting industry is ever-evolving, and as a leader in this field, we strive to evolve with it and ensure our customers receive the best service and solutions available. We value every customer's role in our journey and look forward to serving each and every one with excellence in the future.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

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